Tina Jones Health History Transcript, Documentation And Objective Data

Tina Jones Health History Transcript, Documentation And Objective Data


Started: Jul 17, 2022 | Total Time: 189 min
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 Height: 170 cm

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 Weight: 90 kg

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 BMI: 31

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 Random blood glucose: 238

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 Temperature: 101.1 F

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 Blood pressure: 142/82

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 Respiratory rate: 19

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 O2 sat: 99%

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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 Heart rate: 86

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07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

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Hello Tina my name is xxx and I’m your nurse today

07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
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Can you confirm your name

07/17/22 1:35 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
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What brings you in today

07/17/22 1:36 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me! Tina Jones Health History transcript, documentation and objective data
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I am so sorry you’re going through that

07/17/22 1:36 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for understanding.
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What additional symptoms have you experienced (Clarified to Do you have any other symptoms?.)

07/17/22 1:36 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I mean, it’s all red and swollen, and there’s pus, it feels hot, it hurts like hell… It’s got all that going on. (Clarified to if I have other symptoms.)
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Can you rate your current pain level on a scale of zero to ten

07/17/22 1:37 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I’d say a 7. It hurts a lot, and the pain pills haven’t kicked in yet.
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What pain pills have you taken

07/17/22 1:37 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s called tramadol.
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What dose of Tramadol

07/17/22 1:37 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I’m not 100% sure, but I think they’re 50 milligrams.
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How often do you take Tramadol

07/17/22 1:37 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve been taking the Tramadol morning, noon, and night. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
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When was the last time you took Tramadol

07/17/22 1:38 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
This morning I took two pain pills right before I came here, at around 8:30.
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Does a Tramadol typically work for your pain Tina Jones Health History transcript, documentation and objective data

07/17/22 1:38 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, the pain pills help, but only for a few hours.
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Can you describe your pain

07/17/22 1:38 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s throbbing and like, sharp if I try to put weight on it.
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How did you hurt your foot

07/17/22 1:38 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I was going down the back steps, and I tripped. . . I caught the railing, but I guess I kind of turned my ankle a little bit. And I scraped up my foot on the edge of the step.
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How’s your foot been draining any liquids

07/17/22 1:39 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, there’s definitely pus.
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What color is the pus

07/17/22 1:39 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s… white or maybe off-white.
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What have you done to treat your foot after the accident (Clarified to How have you been treating your foot?.)

07/17/22 1:39 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I made sure to clean it and just keep it bandaged. And I put Neosporin on it. (Clarified to what I did for my foot at home.)
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How effective was the Neosporin

07/17/22 1:40 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Well, I had to come back to get my foot checked out even though I used the ointment. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
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Are you able to walk

07/17/22 1:40 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
No, I can’t. I can’t put any weight on it without like, shooting pain.
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What pre-existing medical conditions do you have

07/17/22 1:42 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Well, in terms of general health stuff, I have asthma and diabetes.
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When were you diagnosed with diabetes

07/17/22 1:42 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I was diagnosed when I was 24.
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What medications did you take for your diabetes

07/17/22 1:42 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It was Metformin.
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Do you still currently take Metformin

07/17/22 1:42 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I don’t take anything for my diabetes anymore.
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What made you start taking medication for your diabetes (Clarified to What made you stop taking your diabetes medication?.)

07/17/22 1:43 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I guess I just got sick of feeling sick and gassy all the time, and it was overwhelming, remembering to take pills and check my sugar. I feel a lot better now that I’m just eating healthier than I did when I was taking the pills. (Clarified to what happened that caused me to stop taking my diabetes medication.)
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Diabetes is a very serious condition that has to be treated very carefully

07/17/22 1:44 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Sure, I think I understand what you mean.
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Do you monitor your blood glucose

07/17/22 1:44 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I have a monitor at home, but to be honest I don’t really use it that often. It’s such a hassle to check my blood sugar, and my diabetes is under control right now so I don’t really need to.
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What is your current diet like

07/17/22 1:44 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s pretty good, I think. I’m not a huge health nut or anything.
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Have you had any change in your appetite

07/17/22 1:45 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, lately I’ve definitely been much hungrier than usual.
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Has there been any change in your weight

07/17/22 1:45 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, I’ve lost some weight recently.
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How frequently do you urinate

07/17/22 1:45 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I don’t know. Every hour or two when I’m awake?


Documentation / Electronic Health Record

Document: Provider Notes

Student Documentation Model Documentation

Identifying Data & Reliability

Ms. Tina Jones is a pleasant 28 year old African American female who presents to the clinic today to establish primary care. She also has a complaint of a right foot injury that occurred during a fall that happened two days ago. She is the primary and sole source of the interview. She is very knowledgable and easy to comprehend. She is alert and oriented X 4 and maintains eye contact throughout the interview Tina Jones Health History transcript, documentation and objective data.

Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old obese African American single woman who presents to establish care and with a recent right foot injury. She is the primary source of the history. Ms. Jones offers information freely and without contradiction. Speech is clear and coherent. She maintains eye contact throughout the interview.

General Survey

Ms. Jones is alert and oriented. She answers questions accurately and is dressed appropriately. She doesnt exhibit any strange speech or behaviors. She doesnt appear to be under any distress.

Ms. Jones is alert and oriented, seated upright on the examination table, and is in no apparent distress. She is well-nourished, well-developed, and dressed appropriately with good hygiene.

Chief Complaint

Scrape on right foot with pain and symptoms of infection

“I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!”

History Of Present Illness

Ms. Jones greater foot about a week ago while being outside barefoot. She reported to the ER the night she injured her foot, where they gave her a prescription for Tramadol and treated the wound. She also received an x-ray. Her symptoms began to worsen two days ago. She began to notice increased pain, purulent drainage, warmth and swelling around the wound. She’s unable to put weight on the injured foot without sharp shooting pain. She has been changing the bandage and cleaning the wound with soap and water twice-daily. She also reports using Neosporin and peroxide occasionally.

Ms. Jones reports that a week ago she tripped while walking on concrete stairs outside, twisting her right ankle and scraping the ball of her foot. She sought care in a local emergency department where she had x-rays that were negative; she was treated with tramadol for pain. She has been…




Objective Data Collection: 1 of 1 (100.0%)

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  • Tina Jones Health History transcript, documentation and objective data


Scored Items

Experts selected these examinations as essential components of objective data collection for this patient.

Patient Data

Not Scored

Thorough examinations will yield better patient data. The following actions reveal the objective data of the patient’s case.

Wound Treatment

  • Finding:

    Measured wound: 2 cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 mm deep


    Pro Tip: Measuring a patient’s wound will help you track whether it worsens or heals in future visits.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Swabbed wound and sent to lab for C & S


    Pro Tip: Sending a culture of wound drainage to a medical lab will help you choose the best antibiotic for that microbe type, and can rule out dangerous infections such as MRSA.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Cleansed and irrigated wound with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing Tina Jones Health History transcript, documentation and objective data.

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