Tina Jones Health History Shadow Health Transcript

Tina Jones Health History Shadow Health Transcript


Hello, I am xxxxx. I will be interviewing you and later perform a physical examination

Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript

Tina Jones
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What is your name?

03/21/21 8:33 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Tina Jones.
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What brought you here today?

03/21/21 8:33 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!
Your avatar
Am sorry to hear that

03/21/21 8:34 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for saying that.
Your avatar
When did you get the scrape?

03/21/21 8:34 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, I got the scrape a week ago, but the scrape and the pain got a lot worse in the last few days.
Your avatar
Sorry Ms. Tina

03/21/21 8:35 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you telling me that.
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How severe is the pain?

03/21/21 8:35 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s really bad.
Your avatar
Sorry about the pain

03/21/21 8:35 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for understanding.
Your avatar
How would you rate the pain in a scale of 10? (Clarified to Can you rate your current pain level on a scale of 0 to 10?.)

03/21/21 8:36 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’d say a 7. It hurts a lot, and the pain pills haven’t kicked in yet. (Clarified to how I would rate my pain on a scale.)
Your avatar
Does the pain radiate?

03/21/21 8:36 AM EDT

Tina Jones
The pain’s worse in my foot, but I feel it moving up into my ankle, too.
Your avatar
Ohh, sorry about that.

03/21/21 8:36 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Can you describe the pain?

03/21/21 8:37 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s throbbing and like, sharp if I try to put weight on it.
Your avatar
Did you hurt any other part? (Clarified to Do you have any other injuries?.)

03/21/21 8:38 AM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I caught myself on the railing so I didn’t fall on the ground. Only my foot got hurt. (Clarified to if I have other injuries.)
Your avatar
how has the pain changed over time?

03/21/21 8:38 AM EDT

Tina Jones
At first, it seemed like it was healing up fine and it didn’t give me a lot of pain. But the last two days, the pain got way worse.
Your avatar
How painful is the ankle? (Clarified to How is your foot getting worse?.)

03/21/21 8:38 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It just hurts more and is kind of throbbing now. (Clarified to how the foot pain is getting worse.)
Your avatar
Is it possible to stand on your foot? (Clarified to Can you manage to stand on your right foot?.)

03/21/21 8:39 AM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I can’t put weight on my foot without really sharp pain. (Clarified to if I can stand on my right foot.)
Your avatar
Sorry abiout that

03/21/21 8:39 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you saying that.
Your avatar
Where is the location of the pain?

03/21/21 8:40 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It feels like the pain is just centered around the scrape, like around the ball of my foot. That’s where it hurts the most, but my whole foot feels some pain.
Your avatar
which foot did you injure?

03/21/21 8:40 AM EDT

Tina Jones
My right foot.
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Were you wearing shoes?

03/21/21 8:40 AM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I was barefoot.
Your avatar
Did you have alcohol before the injury?

03/21/21 8:41 AM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I was stone-cold sober. It was the middle of the day.
Your avatar
did you use home remedies on your foot?

03/21/21 8:42 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, I made sure to clean it and keep it bandaged.
Your avatar
what did you use to clean it?

03/21/21 8:42 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Since it happened, I’ve been washing it with soap and water, and if it seemed irritated, I would put some peroxide on there and then rinse it off.
Your avatar
when did you go to the ER?

03/21/21 8:42 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I went about an hour after I fell, I think.
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03/21/21 8:43 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yes, they wrote me a prescription for some pain pills.
Your avatar
What is the name of the pain medication?

03/21/21 8:43 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s called tramadol.
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03/21/21 8:43 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m not 100% sure, but I think they’re 50 milligrams.
Your avatar
How often were you taking tramadol?

03/21/21 8:44 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’ve been taking the Tramadol morning, noon, and night. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
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Did tramadol relieve pain?

03/21/21 8:45 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’ve only been taking the pain pills the ER gave me and staying off it. . . and keeping the wound clean.
Your avatar
Has your foot bled since the injury?

03/21/21 8:45 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s not bleeding anymore. It only bled right after I scraped it.
Your avatar
Good to hear that

03/21/21 8:46 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for saying that.
Your avatar
What happened after you scrapped the foot?

03/21/21 8:46 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I got the scrape to stop bleeding, and then I started to worry that I had sprained my ankle, so Mom and I decided better safe than sorry, and so we went to the ER.
Your avatar
It is good to seek medical attention

03/21/21 8:47 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Alright, thanks for letting me know.
Your avatar
how effective is the pain medication?

03/21/21 8:47 AM EDT

Tina Jones
They only help for a few hours at a time.
Your avatar
am sorry to hear that

03/21/21 8:47 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you saying that.
Your avatar
how have you cared for the scrape?

03/21/21 8:48 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I made sure to clean it and just keep it bandaged. And I put Neosporin on it.
Your avatar
good to hear

03/21/21 8:48 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you telling me that.
Your avatar
What happens after applying neosporin?

03/21/21 8:48 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I got the scrape to stop bleeding, and then I started to worry that I had sprained my ankle, so Mom and I decided better safe than sorry, and so we went to the ER.
Your avatar
how effective was the neosporin?

03/21/21 8:49 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, I had to come back to get my foot checked out even though I used the ointment. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
how often have you been cleaning the scrape?

03/21/21 8:49 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Since it happened, I’ve been washing it with soap and water, and if it seemed irritated, I would put some peroxide on there and then rinse it off.
Your avatar
its good to keep it clean

03/21/21 8:49 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for telling me.
Your avatar
Is the wound swollen

03/21/21 8:50 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, it looks swollen around the scrape.
Your avatar
does your scrape have odor?

03/21/21 8:50 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Um, no, not that I know of… That sounds gross.
Your avatar
does the scrape have pus?

03/21/21 8:51 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, there’s definitely pus.
Your avatar
what is the color of the pus?

03/21/21 8:52 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s… white or maybe off-white.
Your avatar
any temperature change around the scrape?

03/21/21 8:52 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
are you having trouble getting around?

03/21/21 8:53 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yes! I mean, I literally can’t put weight on my foot, the pain is so sharp.
Your avatar
sorry to hear that

03/21/21 8:53 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for understanding.
Your avatar
who has been helping you since you hurt your foot?

03/21/21 8:53 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m lucky living at home because my mom is around to help me, and my sister too.
Your avatar
that is great

03/21/21 8:55 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
Do you work?

03/21/21 8:55 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m a supervisor at Mid-American Copy & Ship. I’ve been working there since high school, and I’ve just kept moving up.
Your avatar
Has the injury prevented you from going to work?

03/21/21 8:55 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, I tried to go in two days ago but I couldn’t walk well enough, so I just went home after a couple hours. And I didn’t go in yesterday. My boss was understanding, but I need to be able to work!
Your avatar
seem you really love your work

03/21/21 8:56 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for saying that.
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Do you have other health problems?

03/21/21 8:56 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Um, the only things I know I’m diagnosed with are diabetes. And asthma.
Your avatar
when were you diagnosed with asthma?

03/21/21 8:56 AM EDT

Tina Jones
My doctor told me when I was pretty little… I think I was about two and a half? I used to have a lot of trouble with asthma attacks back then.
Your avatar
sorry about that

03/21/21 8:57 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
when was your last asthma attack?

03/21/21 8:57 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s really rare for me to have an attack now. Three days ago I had some breathing problems, but I guess probably my last full attack was in high school.
Your avatar
how was your asthma in high school? (No matching questions found.)

03/21/21 8:58 AM EDT

Your avatar
what happens when you have an asthma attack?

03/21/21 8:59 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I haven’t had an asthma attack in a while, but I used to get them growing up, and my chest would feel really tight, like I couldn’t take in air, and I would wheeze really bad and get all sweaty. It was way worse than now, especially because I would use my inhaler and it wouldn’t help. It was really scary.
Your avatar
sorry about that Ms. Tina

03/21/21 9:00 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you saying that.
Your avatar
do you get tight chest?

03/21/21 9:02 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well. . . when my asthma gets bad my chest feels pretty tight, like I can’t take in air.
Your avatar
sorry about that

03/21/21 9:02 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I appreciate you telling me that.
Your avatar
Do you have breathing difficulties? (Clarified to Do you have breathing problems?.)

03/21/21 10:13 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, my breathing’s been fine the last few days. But I do get short of breath sometimes, because of my asthma. (Clarified to if I have breathing problems.)
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how is your wheezing?

Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript

Tina Jones
I’m not wheezing right now . . . But I did wheeze a little bit a few days ago at my cousin’s house. I had to use my inhaler.
Your avatar
I understand. probably an allergy triggered the breathing problems

03/21/21 10:14 AM EDT

Tina Jones
OK, I understand.
Your avatar
what do you use for your asthma?

03/21/21 10:15 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s just a regular Proventil inhaler.
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how many times do you use the inhaler?

03/21/21 10:15 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t use it every day. Maybe two or three times a week. Although I guess lately, once I have to use it once, sometimes I need it again that day.
Your avatar
what dose of proventil?

03/21/21 10:16 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I usually use two puffs from my albuterol inhaler — it’s 90 micgrograms a spray — but lately sometimes I need three puffs. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
always adhere to the prescribed dose

03/21/21 10:16 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Sure, I think I understand what you mean.
Your avatar
have you been hospitalized because of asthma?

03/21/21 10:17 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I went a bunch of times when I was little, for asthma attacks. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
Your avatar
Sorry about that

03/21/21 10:27 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for understanding.
Your avatar
what triggers your asthma attacks?

03/21/21 10:28 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Being around cats is the worst, but dust and running up stairs can make my breathing bad, too. I haven’t had a full asthma attack in years, though. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
Your avatar
what happens when you are around cats?

03/21/21 10:28 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Whenever I’m around cats, I start sneezing, my eyes get itchy. . . and my asthma starts to act up.
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do you have latex allergies?

03/21/21 10:28 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Your avatar
do you have food allergies?

03/21/21 10:28 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Nope, no food allergies that I know of. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
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Do you have medication allergy?

03/21/21 10:29 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, I’m allergic to penicillin.
Your avatar
are you allergic to dust?

03/21/21 10:29 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well. . . I don’t know if it’s allergies, but sometimes my asthma acts up around dust. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
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are you allergic to pollen?

03/21/21 10:29 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Not that I’ve noticed.
Your avatar
are you allergic to mould? (Clarified to Are you allergic to bee stings?.)

03/21/21 10:30 AM EDT

Tina Jones
No, not that I know of. (Clarified to if I am allergic to bee stings.)
Your avatar
It is good to stay away from allergens

03/21/21 10:30 AM EDT

Tina Jones
That makes sense.
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what type of reaction do you have to penicillin?

03/21/21 10:31 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t remember that well because the last time I had penicillin I was pretty little. . . I think I got a rash, like, hives. The doctor told me not to take it again after that. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
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what reaction do you have to dust?

03/21/21 10:31 AM EDT

Tina Jones
If I’m around a lot of dust, I can get sneezy, or I can start wheezing. Sometimes I get itchy eyes.
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what other allergies do you have? Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript

03/21/21 10:31 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Well, besides cats, I’m allergic to penicillin.
Your avatar
when were you diagnosed with diabetes?

03/21/21 10:32 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I was diagnosed when I was 24. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
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how do you treat diabetes?

03/21/21 10:32 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I just watch what I eat and try to stay away from sweets.
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what type of diabetes do you have?

03/21/21 10:33 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s type 2.
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what medication do you take for diabetes?

03/21/21 10:33 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t take medicine for it anymore.
Your avatar
why did you stop taking diabetes medication?

03/21/21 10:33 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I just got sick of dealing with it!
Your avatar
it is not advisable to stop taking medication without consulting your physician

03/21/21 10:37 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Alright, thanks for letting me know. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
Your avatar
what diabetes medication were you taking?

03/21/21 10:37 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It was Metformin.
Your avatar
what dose of metformin?

03/21/21 10:38 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Honestly, I don’t remember what the dose was when I was taking it.
Your avatar
Did you have issues affording the metformin?

03/21/21 10:38 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I haven’t had trouble affording medication . . . Cost wasn’t really the issue with the metformin. I just got really sick of having to take it, and I hated the side effects. [AUDIO COMING SOON] Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
Your avatar
And it is good to know the prescribed dose

03/21/21 10:39 AM EDT

Tina Jones
That makes sense.
Your avatar
how many times were you taking metformin?

03/21/21 10:39 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I think it was one pill, twice a day.
Your avatar
when did you stop taking metformin?

03/21/21 10:39 AM EDT

Tina Jones
About three years ago, honestly.
Your avatar
when did you start taking the metformin?

03/21/21 10:40 AM EDT

Tina Jones
When I was 24, right after I was first diagnosed.
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how old are you now? Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript

03/21/21 10:40 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’m 28.
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how do you mange your diabetes now?

03/21/21 10:40 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I just watch what I eat and try to stay away from sweets.
Your avatar
Great. diet plays a big role in managing diabetes

03/21/21 10:41 AM EDT

Tina Jones
OK, I understand.
Your avatar
Describe your diet

03/21/21 10:41 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s pretty good, I think. I’m not a huge health nut or anything.
Your avatar
what did you have for dinner?

03/21/21 10:41 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Mom made baked chicken and mashed potatoes.
Your avatar
what did you have for lunch?

03/21/21 10:42 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I haven’t had lunch yet, it’s still the morning!
Your avatar
what is your typical dinner?

03/21/21 10:42 AM EDT

Tina Jones
The usual stuff. . . meatloaf, chicken, casseroles, pasta. . . stuff like that.
Your avatar
what is your typical breakfast?

03/21/21 10:42 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’ll usually have a muffin or pumpkin bread from the cafe near my house.
Your avatar
It is good to have high intake of fruits and vegetables and avoid high caloris foods. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript.

03/21/21 10:45 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for telling me.
Your avatar
Do you check your sugars?

03/21/21 10:46 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I have a monitor at home, but to be honest I don’t really use it that often. It’s such a hassle to check my blood sugar, and my diabetes is under control right now so I don’t really need to.
Your avatar
how often do you check your sugar levels?

03/21/21 10:47 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t check it very often, honestly. . . I think the last time was about a month ago.
Your avatar
it is important to regularly monitor your sugar levels

03/21/21 10:47 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Sure, I think I understand what you mean.
Your avatar
Do you take sodas? (Clarified to Are you currently on the pill?.)

03/21/21 10:47 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I used to take it when I was with my last boyfriend, but I don’t use it anymore. (Clarified to if I am on the pill.)
Your avatar
do you know how to use a monitor?

Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript

Tina Jones
Yeah, the doctor showed me how.
Your avatar
do you feel thrifty often?

03/21/21 10:49 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Not so great… My foot really hurts right now.
Your avatar
do you take a lot of water? (Clarified to Do you drink a lot of water?.)

03/21/21 10:49 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, I’ve been drinking tons of water lately. (Clarified to if I drink a lot of water.)
Your avatar
are you very thirsty? (Clarified to Do you get excessive thirst?.)

03/21/21 10:49 AM EDT

Tina Jones
You know, I did notice lately that I’ve been really thirsty. (Clarified to if I have been really thirsty lately.)
Your avatar
Do you have frequent urination?

03/21/21 10:50 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, but I’ve been drinking more water. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
Your avatar
how many times do you urinate?

03/21/21 10:50 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t know. Every hour or two when I’m awake?
Your avatar
does your urine seem different?

03/21/21 10:51 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I’ve been noticing I’ve been having to pee a lot more recently, but I think that’s just because I’m drinking more water than normal.
Your avatar
how many times do you urinate at night?

03/21/21 10:51 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I probably have to get up two or three times a night.
Your avatar
do you sweat at night?

03/21/21 10:51 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t get sweaty, but sometimes I wake up hot and have to kick off my sheets.
Your avatar
high water intake and excessive thrist may indicate diabetes. have your sugar levels checked

03/21/21 10:52 AM EDT

Tina Jones
That makes sense.
Your avatar
how is your appetite?

03/21/21 10:52 AM EDT

Tina Jones
My appetite’s been huge lately. . . I feel like I’m hungry all the time.
Your avatar
Any weight changes?

03/21/21 10:52 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Yeah, I’ve lost some weight recently.
Your avatar
what triggered weight loss?

03/21/21 10:52 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I don’t know what caused it, I just lost weight.
Your avatar
It is good to have your physical health checked

03/21/21 10:53 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Thanks for telling me. Tina Jones Health History shadow health transcript
Your avatar
Do you have hypertension?

03/21/21 10:53 AM EDT

Tina Jones
No, I’ve never been diagnosed with blood pressure problems.
Your avatar
do you check your blood pressure regularly?

03/21/21 10:54 AM EDT

Tina Jones
I almost never check it. I mean, maybe twice a year I might? It’s not something I think about.
Your avatar
do you know your blood pressure range?

03/21/21 10:54 AM EDT

Tina Jones
It’s . . . oh, I don’t remember exactly because I never write it down. Let me try to remember . . . I feel like it’s usually around 140. And the bottom number is 80 or 90. I do know the last time in the ER it was something like 141/92. They said it was on the high side. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
The normal reading is 120/80. Yours is on hgiehr side and you need it monitored

03/21/21 10:54 AM EDT

Tina Jones
Alright, thanks for letting me know.
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