Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

As God’s creation, I believe that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God (Psalm 139:14).  The biblical worldview relates the human anatomy and physiology to God’s intricate design. As such, a relationship exists between the Christian faith and the study of the human structure and body functions. This paper examines the nervous system and depression as the…

Select a body system and identify one disease process that fascinates you most as a creation of God. Answer the following questions relating to the disease process.
1. What aspects of normal anatomy is interesting to you and why?
2. What factors have caused the damage to the normal anatomy and physiology?
3. How can we restore the healing process? Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay
4. What is the role of prayer, influence of religion and culture relating to this disease process?
5. Conclusion with a call to action or something meaningful to remember


You have been assigned required readings on spirituality in your course. You may choose one or more chapters from each assigned book to read. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care.

1. Paper is typed in at least 2-3 pages, double spaced and turned in on time via D2L or email to your professor, with coversheet title page in APA format; thoughtful, suitable title 10 Points Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay
2. Introductory paragraph is attention-getting
10 Points
3. Spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage are correct throughout paper 10 Points
4. Answers all questions and thoughts are expressed in a coherent and logical manner. 20 Points
5. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge, and understanding of the disease process and reflecting the role of prayer, region and culture influence on healing on the disease process. . 20 Points
6. Concluding paragraph sums up information, reiterates ideas and opinions, and leaves reader with a call to action or something meaningful to remember 10 Points
7. Pertinent reference sources are skillfully woven throughout paper without over use of quotations but, rather, attempt to paraphrase 10 Points
8. References are properly cited in APA format with no plagiarism. 5 Points
9. At least 3 references are cited in paper, including a reference from current class assigned chapter readings in Mauk, a reading in an assigned chapter in White, Anatomy & Physiology, and pathophysiology text and one journal article of your own choice. 5 Points Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

relate it to Readings in E. G. White, The Ministry of Healing in the following chapters
Chapt 5 Healing of the Soul
Chapt 16 Prayer for the Sick


As God’s creation, I believe that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God (Psalm 139:14).  The biblical worldview relates the human anatomy and physiology to God’s intricate design. As such, a relationship exists between the Christian faith and the study of the human structure and body functions. This paper examines the nervous system and depression as the creation of God.

The nervous system interests me because of its ability to control the overall functioning of the body. I am often fascinated by how it collects sensory input from the body and external environment, processed it, interprets and responds appropriately initiating actions. Moreover, it contains the brain which presents the most complex and largest organ in the human body that harbors more than 100 billion neurons. Another amazing thing about the anatomy of the nervous system is the spinal cord which is capable of transmitting signals at speeds of 100 meters per second (Tripathi & Sieber, 2020). How fast! It also has the nerves which are a collection of neurons that conduct impulses to and from the central nervous mechanism  Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay. Interestingly, the nervous system controls communication, breathing, swallowing, learning, reaction to stimuli, walking, speaking and generally all the activities of the body.

Depression is caused by the damage of the anatomy and psychology of the nervous system and particularly the brain. It occurs from the depression of dopamine, norepinephrine or serotonin neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. This is according to the monoamine-deficiency theory. The factors causing damage to the normal anatomy and physiology of the nervous system include genes and psychosocial stresses associated with family and environmental interactions; stress hormones and cytokines such as Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) as well as mediating roles of monoamines that control sleep, appetite, attention, reward processing, cognition and mood. Other factors include substance abuse, sex hormones, and medical conditions Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.

The healing process of depression seeks to restore the normal anatomy of the nervous system. This can be achieved through balanced dieting rich in vitamins B6, B12, and folate. Drinking plenty of water and fluids is also essential. In addition, pharmacological treatment of depression can be achieved through the administration of antidepressants which assist in balancing the brain chemicals, neurotransmitters which affect the emotions and moods. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) such as escitalopram are the most effective drugs for depression (Stahl, 2014).

As Christians, prayers play a vital role in healing. Illnesses are often considered as punishments for sins and hence, the Bible encourages Christians to offer prayers in faith so that they can be healed and their pain will be alleviated (Exodus 15:26). Notably, Christians ask for forgiveness from God through prayers with a belief that forgiveness and restoration of health will take placeSpirituality Reflective Writing Essay. On mental issues such as depression, God prayers offer emotional comfort and reduce the symptoms (Psalm 103:3, 4) (White & Writings, 2018). On the other hand, different cultures and religions own unique perceptions of nervous system diseases associating them with curses and punishments. Different health promotion strategies, approaches, interventions and perceptions also influence treatment of diseases.

In conclusion, I can term the nervous system as the most significant system of the body since it controls everything else. As such, maintenance of its health through prevention of injuries and disease is essential. Creation of awareness and provision of cultural sensitive services towards maintenance of health and elimination of mental diseases such as depression is a relevant step towards holistic and evidence-based practice.


Stahl, S.M. (2014). Prescriber’s Guide: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

Tripathi, P., & Sieber, F. (2020). The Adult Central Nervous System: Anatomy and Physiology. In Essentials of Neurosurgical Anesthesia & Critical Care (pp. 3-13). Springer, Cham.

White, E. G., & Writings, E. G. W. (2018). The Ministry of Healing. 1905. http://www. centrowhite. org. br/files/ebooks/egw-english/books/The% 20Ministry% 20of% 20Healing. pdf Acesso em5, 127. Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

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