Reflective Spirituality Paper

Reflective Spirituality Paper

You have been assigned required readings on spirituality in your course. You may choose one or more chapters from each assigned book to read. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care.

1. Paper is typed in at least 3 pages, double spaced and turned in on time via D2L or email to your professor, with coversheet title page in APA format; thoughtful, suitable title
10 Points


2. Introductory paragraph is attention-getting

10 Points

3. Spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage are correct throughout paper
10 Points Reflective Spirituality Paper

4. Thoughts are expressed in a coherent and logical manner.
20 Points

5. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful, demonstrating an in-depth reflection.
20 Points

6. Concluding paragraph sums up information, reiterates ideas and opinions, and leaves reader with a call to action or something meaningful to remember
10 Points

7. Pertinent reference sources are skillfully woven throughout paper without over use of quotations but, rather, attempt to paraphrase
10 Points

8. References are properly cited in APA format with no plagiarism. Reflective Spirituality Paper
5 Points

9. At least 3 references are cited in paper, including a reference from current class assigned chapter readings in Mauk, a reading in an assigned chapter in White, and one journal article of your own choice.
5 Points

100 Possible Points
Actual Points =


Reflective Spirituality Paper

This paper reflects on Readings in E. G. White, The Ministry of Healing. The selected chapters include Helping the Tempted; Mind Cure; Extremes in Diet; Stimulants and Narcotics; and lastly Liquor Traffic and Prohibition.

For the mind-cure, the body and the mind are closely connected. Therefore, when the body is affected, the mind also is affected and vice versa. This means that human beings should strive to take care of their mind because the mind can eventually lead to numerous physical conditions. Similarly, the mental state can affect the recovery process (White et al., 2018). From this reading, I have learned the importance of taking care of the patients’ mind and mental health conditions during their treatment. Ensuring that patients are in a good mood and their right mind condition can go a long way in facilitating patients’ recovery. Similarly, improving the mental condition of my patients can go a long way in giving patients the strength and will to fight the disease process. For example, when a patient is has a positive mind, they are more willing to adhere to the prescribed treatment. Reflective Spirituality Paper

The second chapter is “helping the tempted”. This chapter encourages people to be sympathetic and empathic towards each other (White et al., 2018). The nursing profession is a calling that requires nurses to show compassion and empathy towards the patients. Therefore, from this chapter, we learn how to provide compassionate care to patients without judging them and regardless of how difficult the patient is. Also, this chapter has strongly improved my ability to collaborate and partner with other healthcare providers. Even when facing difficult colleagues, I will endeavor to try to understand them and overlook their shortcomings. This will significantly improve my relationship with my peers and nurse leaders and thus improve care delivery.

The third chapter is “Extremes in Diet”. From this chapter, I have learned the importance of feeding the body with the right diet without starving or overfeeding. Human beings should ensure that the body is fed with the right nutrients (White et al., 2018). Reflective Spirituality Paper. From this chapter, I learned that the diet should contain all the essential nutrients. This is in line with my belief that a healthy diet not only prevents people from diseases but also improves immunity. Moving forward, I plan to advocate for a proper and healthy diet for my patients and at the same time educate my patients regarding the importance of consuming the appropriate diet.

Lastly, chapters “stimulants and narcotics” and “liquor traffic and prohibition” emphasize the importance of staying away from drugs and liquor. Generally, evidence has shown that drugs such as narcotics have harmful effects on the body. Some drugs are even associated with numerous mental disorders (Tsai et al., 2019). Therefore, these two chapters have significantly impacted my personal growth. It was enlightening to discover that even stimulants such as coffee can be addictive. From now on, I plan to reduce the amount of stimulants that I take because stimulants such as coffee can also be addictive. I also plan to actively educate my friend, community members, and my patients about the risks and dangers associated with taking narcotics. I also plan to encourage my friends and patients to always uphold the laws that prohibit things such as driving while drunk. Reflective Spirituality Paper.



Tsai A, Alegría M & Strathdee A. (2019). Addressing the context and consequences of substance use, misuse, and dependence: A global imperative. PLoS Med, 16(11).

White, E. G., & Writings, E. G. W. (2018). The Ministry of Healing. 1905. http://www. centrowhite. org. br/files/ebooks/egw-English/books/The% 20Ministry% 20of% 20Healing. pdf Acesso em, 5, 127. Reflective Spirituality Paper


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