Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay

Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay

Think back to an experience, either recent or particularly memorable, in securing a position in a healthcare setting. How did you become aware of the position? Was the job description an accurate representation of the duties and responsibilities of the position? What was the interview process like and were there aspects you would recommend changing? When you were hired, did you feel this was a position that you would want to retain and in which you could grow?

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This Assignment will involve you in following key steps in the recruitment and selection process. No doubt you have experienced this process from the candidate’s perspective. In keeping with your human resource functions as a nurse executive, for this Assignment, you will consider the recruitment and interview process from the hiring perspective. As you do, consider how you can apply your own experiences and insights, in combination with the Learning Resources you use, to develop the most effective recruitment and selection plan that strengthens a healthcare setting with high-quality employees. Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay.


Note: There are two parts to this Assignment. Both Parts 1 and 2 will be due on Day 7 of Week 2. Plan your time accordingly. Access and review the document, Recruitment and Selection Plan: Guidelines and Worksheet (located in the Learning Resources), for support in completing the Assignment. The preparation steps this week are intended to guide completion of Part 1 of your Assignment.

Part 1: Job Description Analysis

To Prepare:

Review the Learning Resources on human resource management and recruitment, job analysis, and job design.
Identify a job description from your current healthcare organization or where you have previously worked. Choose a job description that will enable you to determine the type of employees you are looking for as well as the selection criteria.
Based on the job description, develop a recruitment and selection plan. For Part 1, you will focus on developing and refining the job description. Consider:
What are the responsibilities of this job? Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay
What are the competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, other attributes) required for this job?
How would you evaluate a candidate to determine fit for this position, both in terms of technical competencies for the job and fit with the culture and values of the organization?
How could the job description be improved to ensure a successful hiring process?
Consider how you could use social media, such as LinkedIn or online employment recruitment sites, to maximize the field of qualified recruits.
If you are on LinkedIn, explore how the site functions as a recruitment source. If you are not on LinkedIn, create a profile for this Assignment, and then begin your research.
Identify and explore recruitment websites (e.g., Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder) that have been used to recruit for this type of position. Depending on the job, also explore discipline-specific websites where jobs are advertised (e.g.,, ANA’s Career Center). Pay particular attention to how jobs are presented to interested job seekers.
Part 1 Assignment: Job Description Analysis Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay

In 2–3 pages, include the following:
Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.
Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.
Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes for the job and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.
Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and which you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.
Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.
Describe two examples of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers from the social media and online job sites you visit.
Part 2 Assignment: Interview and Selection Plan

Based on the job description you created or revised in Part 1, design an interview and selection process for that job. In 3–4 pages, include the following:

Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the sources of information you would use in evaluating applicants.
Explain an overview of your process to identify, and select that candidate.
Focusing on the interview, explain:
Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why
Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits
How interview outcomes would be compiled Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay
How differences in interview ratings would be resolved
List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate’s response.
Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position.
Analyze your interview and selection process for potential challenges, and explain how you would address those challenges to improve the process and outcomes, including retaining good employees.
By Day 7 of Week 1
Note: There is no Assignment due in Week 1.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.


Learning Resources
Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Fried, B. J., & Fottler, M. D. (Eds.). (2018). Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay

Chapter 5, “Recruitment, Selection, and Retention” (pp. 113–149)
(Previously read in Week 1).
Dattner, B., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Buchband, R., & Schettler, L. (2019, April). The legal and ethical implications of using AI in hiring. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Markman, A. (2019, April). Should you try to convince a star employee to stay? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from


Recruitment and Selection Processes

The process of recruiting the best candidate for a particular task is a complicated process, which involves a series of activities. Similarly, recruiting an applicant to fill the position of a nurse manager in a healthcare organization. In most cases, nurse executives are charged with this responsibility. While identifying and selecting the best candidate, a nurse executive requires to conduct job description analysis. Additionally, these personnel requires to conduct an interview and develop the selection plan.

Part 1: Job Description Analysis

The role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions

The job position of nurse executives involves performing both leadership and management duties. One of the key duties of nurse executives entails working with other employees in the healthcare organization. Nurse executives are considered as managers who are in charge of employees working in their area of specialization. Therefore, they are involved in developing job descriptions. They state the duties to be performed by the job applicant in the areas of specialization. Thus, involving nurse executives in designing job description allows them to get the best candidate for a particular task in the healthcare facility. Additionally, executives inform the current workers about new policies and programs, which have been introduced by the management. In this case, their role represents an essential human resource management function since they deal with the employees, which is the main duty of the HR department in the organization (Fried & Fottler, 2018) Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay.
Analysis of the job description

The selected job description involves the position of the nurse manager. It was obtained from Monster, which is a recruitment website. The job description is accurate and clear. It illustrates the expected duties of the nurse manager. For instance, the job applicant should identify the service requirements of the patients. Additionally, he or she maintains nursing guidelines, which are set in the organization. Lastly, the applicant should maintain nursing operations in the healthcare facility.
The effectiveness of job description in defining employee’s attributes

The attributes of the suitable candidate for the position are well defined by the job description. The description clearly illustrates the duties to be performed by the required employee as a bit demanding and involving. Therefore, the candidate should possess some qualities such as patience, dedication, commitment, and hardworking to perform these duties as expected. However, this job description can be improved by indicating the required quality at the end of each task, thus enabling the candidate to conduct self-evaluation before applying for this job position. However, tasks and competencies associated with this position have changed from when the job description was developed due to changes in the technology. Therefore, the preferred candidate should feed all the records of the operations of the area of supervision in the computer. Thus, he or she should be conversant with the latest technology.

Revised job description

The nurse manager revised job duties are as follows

  1. Use technology to keep updated records of the area of supervision,
  2. Identify service requirements of the patients,
  • Maintains nursing guidelines, which are set in the organization, and
  1. Maintains nursing operations in the healthcare facility. Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay.

Use social media and online job search technology to maximize the presentation of the job description

Both social and online job search technology would be used to enhance the presentation of this job description to potential applicants (Dattner et al, 2019). In social media, I would post this job description to Facebook groups of nurses. Most of these nurses are experienced and would be fit for this position. On the other hand, I would use job search technology to look for candidates with the required skills and eventually send the job description to them.
How Nurse Manager Job positions are presented on social media and online job sites

Nurse Manager Job positions are presented to potential applicants the social media and online job sites. On social media, the recruiting company has posted the job description on its Facebook page, thus making it accessible to all Facebook users who visit the page. On the online job sites, the company has posted the job description for a nurse manager on its official website.

Part 2 Assignment: Interview and Selection Plan
Qualities of the ideal candidate for this job

The ideal candidate for this job should be able to perform the described tasks beyond expectations. Therefore, he or she should possess to be conversant with the latest technology. Additionally, the candidate is able to supervise other nurses working under him. The ideal applicant should be able to communicate and inform others of what they are supposed to do at a particular time. Finally, he or he should be flexible, thus making changes within the shortest time possible if need be.

The applicant would be evaluated based on information obtained from the department where he or she will be working. The department head should state exactly what he or she wants to hear from the applicant to decide whether he or she is fit for the position. Additionally, information obtained from nursing guidelines would be used as a source of information for evaluating the candidate. Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay. This guideline clear states the knowledge and competence that every practitioner should possess depending on one’s area of practice in the healthcare sector.

Process of identifying and selecting the best candidate

The process of identifying and selecting the best candidate involves as a series of activities. First, job applicants from various candidates need to be evaluated. Then, the applications are sorted out depending on the qualifications and skills of the candidates. The application of the most qualified candidates is separated from the rest for re-evaluation. The next step involves listing down these candidates on the order of merit. These candidates are then contacted using the provided contacts for an interview. The candidates are advised to bring their credentials during the interview. Upon conducting the interview, the candidate who meets the expectations of the interviewers is selected to fill the job position.
Individuals from healthcare organization involved in the interview process

The overall head of the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process. Being experienced than most staff members in the organization, he or she would assist in interviewing and selecting the best candidate. Additionally, the head of the unit where the candidate will be working would be involved in the interview process. The departmental head will assist in selecting the candidate who is best suited for the job position. Thus, involved individuals will enhance the success of the interview process.
Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits

Both interviewers and recruits need to prepare for the upcoming interview. Before the interview, the interviewers need to review the tasks to be performed by the candidate and the qualities of the preferred candidate. This practice will enable them to select the best candidate for the position. On the other hand, recruits need to be conversant with the organization before the interview. They should review the organization’s website and learn about its key achievements, activities, and operations. Additionally, they should analyze the job description keenly and try to match it with their qualifications, thus ensuring they are qualified for the advertised position.
How to interview outcomes would be compiled

The results of the interview would be compiled through a series of activities. First, the interviewer should start by summarizing details provided by each applicant during the interview. This would involve noting both the strengths and weaknesses of every applicant. The candidates are then ranked based on their strengths starting with the applicant with most strengths and least weaknesses. The leading applicant is declared suitable for the position.

How differences in interview ratings would be resolved

Differences in interview ratings would be resolved through comparative evaluations. This evaluation technique will help the interviewer to calibrate across candidates. Additionally, it will help in minimizing the reflex to rely on stereotypes to guide their impressions.
Five essential interview

The following questions would be asked to applicants during the interview to evaluate their characteristics for this job.

  1. How would you use technology to update records of the area of supervision? In this question, I would listen to the candidate’s ability to use the latest technology in performing the tasks.
  2. How would you identify the service requirements of the patients? In this question, I would listen to the candidate’s ability to listen to clients and identify their requirements. Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay.

iii.        How would you maintain nursing guidelines, which are set in the organization? In this question, I would listen to the candidate’s ability to maintains and protect nursing guidelines.

  1. How would you maintain nursing operations in the healthcare facility? In this question, I would look at the client’s ability to maintain nursing operations in the organization.
  2. How would you ensure that other employees under you are working as expected? In this question, I would look at the client’s ability to influence others.

How to measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position

A candidate would be measured by his or her ability to respond to interview questions appropriately. A recruit would be considered fit for the position if his or her responses meet the expectations of the interviewer and are in line with the job description.
Potential challenges

The first potential challenge in the interview and selection process is choosing the wrong candidate for the job. These challenges would be addressed by being keen and attentive when listening to applicants during the interview. Additionally, all applicants would be asked similar questions. The second potential challenge is the interview taking longer than expected. This challenge will be addressed by adhering to schedule strictly during the interview process. The organization can retain good employees through both monetary and non-monetary rewards (Markman, 2019).


The success of nurse executives in identifying and selecting the best candidate for a nurse manager position greatly depends on two major activities. First, a nurse executive requires to conduct job description analysis to understand the requirements of the job position. Secondly, the nurse practitioner requires to conduct an interview and develop the selection plan. Therefore, these two activities will ensure that the best candidate is selected for the job position.




Dattner, B., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Buchband, R., & Schettler, L. (2019). The legal and ethical implications of using AI in hiring. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Fried, B. J., & Fottler, M. D. (2018). Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay

Markman, A. (2019). Should you try to convince a star employee to stay? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Monster Worldwide. (2019). Nurse Manager Sample Job Description. Retrieved from   Recruitment and Selection Processes Nursing essay

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