Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

Think back to an experience, either recent or particularly memorable, in securing a position in a healthcare setting. How did you become aware of the position? Was the job description an accurate representation of the duties and responsibilities of the position? What was the interview process like and were there aspects you would recommend changing? When you were hired, did you feel this was a position that you would want to retain and in which you could grow?

This Assignment will involve you in following key steps in the recruitment and selection process. No doubt you have experienced this process from the candidate’s perspective. In keeping with your human resource functions as a nurse executive, for this Assignment, you will consider the recruitment and interview process from the hiring perspective. As you do, consider how you can apply your own experiences and insights, in combination with the Learning Resources you use, to develop the most effective recruitment and selection plan that strengthens a healthcare setting with high-quality employees. Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay.


Note: There are two parts to this Assignment.

Both Parts 1 and 2 will be due on Day 7 of Week 2. Plan your time accordingly. Access and review the document, Recruitment and Selection Plan: Guidelines and Worksheet (located in the Learning Resources), for support in completing the Assignment. The preparation steps this week are intended to guide completion of Part 1 of your Assignment.

Part 1: Job Description Analysis

To Prepare:

Review the Learning Resources on human resource management and recruitment, job analysis, and job design.
Identify a job description from your current healthcare organization or where you have previously worked. Choose a job description that will enable you to determine the type of employees you are looking for as well as the selection criteria. Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay
Based on the job description, develop a recruitment and selection plan. For Part 1, you will focus on developing and refining the job description. Consider:
What are the responsibilities of this job?
What are the competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, other attributes) required for this job?
How would you evaluate a candidate to determine fit for this position, both in terms of technical competencies for the job and fit with the culture and values of the organization?
How could the job description be improved to ensure a successful hiring process?
Consider how you could use social media, such as LinkedIn or online employment recruitment sites, to maximize the field of qualified recruits.
If you are on LinkedIn, explore how the site functions as a recruitment source. If you are not on LinkedIn, create a profile for this Assignment, and then begin your research.
Identify and explore recruitment websites (e.g., Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder) that have been used to recruit for this type of position. Depending on the job, also explore discipline-specific websites where jobs are advertised (e.g.,, ANA’s Career Center). Pay particular attention to how jobs are presented to interested job seekers.

Part 1 Assignment: Job Description Analysis

In 2–3 pages, include the following:

Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.
Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.
Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes for the job and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.
Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and which you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.
Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.
Describe two examples of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers from the social media and online job sites you visit.

Part 2 Assignment: Interview and Selection Plan

Based on the job description you created or revised in Part 1, design an interview and selection process for that job. In 3–4 pages, include the following:

Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the sources of information you would use in evaluating applicants.
Explain an overview of your process to identify, and select that candidate.

Focusing on the interview, explain:

Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why
Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits
How interview outcomes would be compiled
How differences in interview ratings would be resolved

List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate’s response.
Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position.

Analyze your interview and selection process for potential challenges, and explain how you would address those challenges to improve the process and outcomes, including retaining good employees.

Recruitment and Selection Plan Instructions & Worksheet



Module 1 Assignment


Recruitment and Selection Plan


Instructions & Worksheet

For your Module 1 Assignment, you will use a job description of your choice to create a Recruitment and Selection Plan for filling the job with the most qualified candidate. The Assignment has two parts.

This worksheet provides the instructions and an information organizer for completing Parts 1 and 2 of the Assignment.

Part 1: Analyze a Job Description
Part 1 Tasks Fill in with notes or a draft response.
1) Identify a job description from your current healthcare organization or where you have previously worked. Choose a job description that will enable you to determine the type of employees you are looking for and what the hiring criteria will be. Your chosen job description:
2) Focus on developing and refining the job description. Describe:

o What are responsibilities of this job?

Job responsibilities:
o What are the competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, other attributes) required for this job?


Other attributes:
o How would you evaluate a candidate to determine fit for this position? Evaluation approach(es):


o How could the job description be improved to ensure a successful hiring process? Job description revisions:



3) How could you use social media platforms and general job search websites and nursing career sites to maximize the field of potential recruits? Consider how jobs are presented to interested job seekers on these sites for insights and ideas to apply. Job presentation ideas/insights from social media and online job search websites:
Part 1 Assignment:

Job Description Analysis

In a Word document, write 2–3 pages to include the following:

·        Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.


·        Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.


·        Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes for the job and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.


·        Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and which you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.


·        Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.


·        Describe two examples from social media and online job sites you visit of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers.


Part 2: Design an Interview and Selection Plan
Part 2 Tasks Fill in with notes or a draft response.
Based on the job description you provide in Assignment Part 1, develop a plan for interviewing candidates for that target job.

1) For the job competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes) that you identified in Part 1:

o  Identify information sources for assessing candidates (e.g., credentials, past work experiences, references, material submitted in the job application, and interview questions).

o Prioritize and evaluate the different skills and tasks for the job.

o  Identify which specific competencies/KSAOs are best assessed with the use of interview questions (which may supplement other sources, such as checking references).

o Design interview questions for each competency/KSAO to be assessed.

Information sources for assessing competencies and KSAOs for this specific job, by type and priority:






Skills and tasks for the job (in order of priority):




Competencies/KSAOs best assessed through interview questions:



Sample interview questions for each competency/KSAO listed above (at least five interview questions total):
2) Identify how you will rate candidates:

o What will be considered excellent, acceptable, or poor responses to interview questions?

Excellent responses:

Acceptable responses:

Poor responses:



o What rater biases may be present in the job selection process, and how will you address rater bias?


Addressing rater bias:


o Who will be involved in the interview process and what training will be provided to  interviewers?


Who interviews this candidate?

Interview training required/recommended:

o How will interview impressions be consolidated?


Plan for consolidating interviewers’ impressions:
How will divergent views be resolved? Plan for resolving interviewers’ divergent views:
3) Describe the ideal candidate for this job and, after hiring, how to retain that individual.

Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

The ideal candidate:
4) Analyze the recruitment and selection process from an interviewee’s perspective, drawing on your own experiences. Interviewee’s perspective:
5) Identify issues to consider in analyzing the interview and selection process (e.g., internal vs. external applicants), specific challenges; positive and negative outcomes. Issues/challenges/outcomes:




6) Explain how to improve the interview and selection process. Ideas/strategies to improve the interview and selection process:


Part 2 Assignment:

Interview and Selection Plan

In a Word document, write 3–4 pages to include the following:

·      Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the sources of information you would use in evaluating applicants.


·      Explain an overview of your process to identify and select that candidate.


·      Focusing on the interview, explain:

o  Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why

o  Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

o  How interview outcomes would be compiled

o  How differences in interview ratings would be resolved


·      List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate’s response.


·      Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position.


·      Analyze your interview and selection process for potential challenges, and explain how you would address those challenges to improve the process and outcomes, including retaining good employees.



Final Submission Submit Part 1 and Part 2 of the Assignment in one Word file.


Recruitment and selection plan



Recruitment and selection plan

Part 1: Job description analysis

Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.

Nurse executives have the primary responsibility of administering and managing patient care services. This functions sees them oversee planning and development functions regarding procedures and policies. Although they do not have direct contact with patients, nurse executives shape policies related to nursing and health care. This places them in a unique position to identify nurse personnel needs in terms of competencies and skills, and ensure that the facility has the right mix of nurse personnel. Besides that, they bear responsibility for the facility’s financial accountability thus placing them in a unique position to authoritatively determine the facility’s nurse personnel needs. Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay. Also, they are responsible for establishing ongoing relationships with other nurse personnel to foster a cohesive work environment. These responsibilities strategically position nurse executives to identify the nurse personnel needs of a facility (Finkelman, 2016).

Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.

The job description under analysis was presented by Northwoods Surgery Center, located in Veterans Parkway, Woodruff, Wisconsin for an operating room nurse. The description presented the licensing and certification requirements. Also, it offered the job summary, expected duties, and preferred requirements for the candidates (Northwoods Surgery Center, n.d.). The description is detailed and effective since it offers a refined list of duties and requirements. In fact, it is detailed in defining the role and accountability thus making the expectations clear. The responsibilities have been refined into fewer points with the tasks grouped into main responsibility areas that reflect personnel expectations at the moment. To be more precise, it clarifies expectations, offers a basis for measuring job performance, clarifies description of role, and prevents arbitrary interpretation of role content and limits. Still, there is a need for greater clarity, particularly with regards to pay and grading systems to offer greater job clarity (Hunt, 2015). Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay.

Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes for the job and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.

The job description has defined the personnel attributes for the job. Firstly, it has identified the certification and licensure requirements, a regulatory need that ensures practice is policed to ensure professionalism and protect patients. Secondly, it identifies the key duties and responsibilities thus clarifying expectations. Finally, it presents the preferred requirements for the candidates as qualities that increase their odds of getting hired (Hunt, 2015). As such, the job description offers a detailed definition of the required personnel attributes for the job.

There have been some changes in the responsibilities of operating room nurses since the job description was presented by Northwoods Surgery Center. The facility restricted responsibilities to providing care to patients before, during and after surgery. Since then, there have been additional responsibilities that require operating room nurses to provide patient education, and prepare the operating equipment and instruments within a sterile field (Nursing Jobs, 2020).

Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and which you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.

A revision is warranted for the job description for operating room nurses presented by Northwoods Surgery Center. The revision would retain the initial responsibilities, and add that they would have the responsibility of providing patient education, and prepare the operating equipment and instruments within a sterile field. In addition, education and training requirements would be listed to include education programs, duration of study, and practicing experience. Besides that, a salary and benefits quote should be included since this will help in identifying the facility as a competitive employer, thereby helping it attract the best talent (Nursing Jobs, 2020). Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.

Social media and online job search technology will be used to find and make connections with quality candidates. The two approaches help in reaching elusive passive candidates, finding great culture fits, filtering bad candidates, and saving money. Two different strategies would be applied. The first strategy targeted at social media recruiting would focus on participating in the right conversations, promoting the facility culture, targeting niche networks, involving personnel, and growing social media presence as a recruiter. The second strategy targeted at online job search technology such as LinkedIn would create and complete a brand page, use filters to find candidates, and reach out with a personal touch (Hunt, 2015).

Describe two examples of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers from the social media and online job sites you visit.

The first example is off M.P. Shah Hospital that presented a job advert on its Facebook page. The facility offers a description of its expectations of the successful candidate, job responsibilities, and how to apply (see Figure 1). The second example is off DaVita Medical Group that placed an advert for an operating room nurse on a LinkedIn page. The description includes the employment location, functions, responsibilities, preferred experience and credentials, and type of employment: full-time (see Figure 2).

Figure 1. Facebook page of job advert by M.P. Shah Hospital

Figure 2. LinkedIn page of job advert by DaVita Medical Group



Part 2: Interview and selection plan

Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the sources of information you would use in evaluating applicants.

There are five skills that would be assessed during the interview process to identify the ideal candidate. The first skill is the ability to work as part of a team. The operating room is a dynamic and complex environment requiring the operating team members to share the traits of anticipation, organization, respect, and good communication. The second skill is excellent communication skills. The operating room is a high stress environment and it is not uncommon for tensions to run high. Operating room nurses working in these environments must be able to communicate effectively with other team members in a professional and calm demeanor. The communication skills are also useful in easing the fears of family members and educating the patients. The third skill is organization. It is imperative that an operating room nurse be very organized with regards to charting and organizing actions and supplies to ensure the best outcomes throughout the surgical procedure. The ideal candidate must be able to find surgical medical and items quickly, and this is not possible unless the individual is highly organized. The fourth skill is attention to detail. The ideal candidate should be detail oriented, knowing the location of everything and monitoring them. This requires the ability to pay attention to small details and the overall picture, and always staying alert to the needs to the team, equipment and patient. The final skill critical thinking and problem solving. The ideal candidate should be confident and capable in making critical decisions as well as being an excellent problem solver. The individual must be able to judge, evaluate and respond appropriately and quickly to changing situations (Crawley, Swailes & Walsh, 2013; Finkelman, 2016).

Explain an overview of your process to identify, and select that candidate.

Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why

Since hiring is a major decision, there is a need for an intelligent and strong hiring team who can implement an effective hiring process. The first member is the hiring manager who administers the whole hiring process. This individual is responsible for interviewing, screening, communication and decision making with other team members for the recruitment process. The second member is the HR manager who is responsible for creating a well-organized and professional process. This individual offers administrative support and acts as a link between the team and candidate to deliver sound decisions. Also, this individual acts as a neutral party when negotiating salary and benefits. The third member is the direct or reporting manager who knows all about the requirements and workings department to which the new personnel will be added. This individual can judge if the candidate has the required abilities. Given that this individual is likely to supervise the candidate if successful, then it is only fair for the individual to evaluate the candidates. Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay. The final member is the nurse executive who evaluates the candidates for skills and knowledge (Crawley, Swailes & Walsh, 2013).

Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits

There is a need to pre-screen the candidates prior to the interview to identify those who do not meet the basic requirements for the position in terms of salary requirements, willingness to relocate, education, and work experience. This occurs through three approaches. The first approach is to evaluate the application and review resumes. The second approach is to conduct telephone interviews, an initial phone conversation that offers information on the candidate’s professionalism, attitude, ability to listen, sense of humor, and communication skills. The third approach is social media and online searches that present private information on the individual to include a snapshot of the candidate’s professional persona, employment status, volunteer activities, organization alignments, and social values (Ozbiglin, Groutsis & Harvey, 2014).

How interview outcomes would be compiled, and how differences in interview ratings would be resolved

Interview outcomes will be compiled using scorecards. Through using standardized interview questions it becomes possible to develop a single scorecard that will be used on all the candidates. In addition, a section on comments will be included in which the interview team members will write down their feedback. The interview outcomes will be determined based on average scores. In case of differences in interview ratings, justifications for the ratings will be discussed before settling on the final candidate (Ozbiglin, Groutsis & Harvey, 2014).

List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate’s response.

The questions would be presented in three groups. The first group is operational and situational questions. These questions are intended to evaluate attention to detail and critical thinking. The two questions to be asked are:

  • Suppose you were asked to prepare for an operation for which you have no experience. What would you do?
  • What are the three questions you would ask a question before surgery?

The second group is role-specific questions the evaluates a nurse’s understanding of the circulating and scrub roles. The two questions to be asked are:

  • Why is it important to conduct surgical skin preparation?
  • What are the legal aspects of an OR nurse?

The third group are people behavioral questions that evaluate people skills. The question to ask is:

  • Tell me about a time when you had a panicked and anxious patient. How did you calm the patient?

Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position.

Candidates who present for the interview are those who are determined as having the professional qualifications for the job. The interview goes on to evaluate them for operational and situational competence, role-specific capacity, and behavioral competence. In addition, they would be evaluated for five skills. The first skill is cultural competence that assesses the ability to provide care to patients with diverse behaviors, beliefs and values. The second skill is flexibility that assesses openness to learn new things and the ability to tolerate change in response to the rapidly changing practice environment. The third skill is positivity that assesses a nurse’s ability to maintain a positive attitude. The fourth skill is emotional intelligence that assesses the ability to collaboratively work in teams, and effectively deal with conflicts. The final skill is passion that assesses attitude towards work tasks (Hunt, 2015).




Crawley, E., Swailes, S. & Walsh, D. (2013). Introduction to international human resource management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Finkelman, A. (2016). Leadership and management for nurses: core competencies for quality care (3rd ed.). London: Pearson Education.

Hunt, D. (2015). The nurse professional: leveraging your education for transition into practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Northwoods Surgery Center (n.d.). Operating room nurse (RN) – job description. Retrieved from

Nursing Jobs (2020). Operating room (OR) nurse jobs and salary. Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

Ozbiglin, M., Groutsis, D. & Harvey, W. (2014). International human resource management. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

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