NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments
Week 1 Discussion
Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing
CO1 Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)
Think of an area of opportunity within your current or former clinical setting that is quality driven. Define (D) one nursing care issue (not a workforce issue such as staffing) from a current or former nursing workplace (or clinical setting) that could be impacted by improved quality. NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments. This nursing care issue should not be one that has already undergone a quality improvement process. Tell us details of this issue and how it this issue impacts nursing care quality at that facility.
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 2 Discussion
DMAIC Process for a Real Life Issue
CO2 Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)
Why is it important to have a structured process to approach and improve nursing care quality? How can use of this structured process help to improve quality nursing care in your setting?
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 3 Discussion
Quality Improvement Education
CO1 Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)
CO3 Examine culture of safety principles that improve patient outcomes based on current evidence. (POs 7 and 8) NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments.
In your prelicensure nursing education program, what did you learn about quality improvement in nursing? How was quality improvement emphasized? As you consider nursing education today, what would you suggest be included in future education or orientation programs about the important topic of quality improvement in nursing?
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 4 Discussion
Culture of Safety
CO1 Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7) NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments.
CO2 Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)
How does your current or former clinical environment maintain a culture of safety? How are errors reported and managed to improve quality? What suggestions would you make as a nurse leader to improve the culture of safety?
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 5 Discussion
Strategies for Interprofessional Collaboration to Promote Quality
CO1 Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)
CO2 Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)
This week as we focus on interprofessional collaboration to promote quality, please remember that professionals include dietitians, therapists (respiratory, physical, occupational, and speech), social workers/case managers, psychologists, physicians, pharmacists, and others. Professionals do not include patients, families, aides, or unlicensed assistive personnel. NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments.
Working as an interdisciplinary team helps promote positive patient outcomes. What strategies do you use to successfully work with other professions in your workplace to promote quality care? What strategies are not successful? What are the barriers to interprofessional collaboration, and how will you overcome these barriers?
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 6 Discussion
Quality Improvement Using Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing
CO3 Examine culture of safety principles that improve patient outcomes based on current evidence. (POs 7 and 8)
Consider a single nursing care issue at your facility where quality has already been improved by implementation of evidence. Answer the following:
How was evidence on that topic located in scholarly professional nursing journal articles and evaluated? NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments.
What was the implementation plan?
How was the improvement in quality measured after the implementation?
What do you suggest that would have improved this implementation and maintenance of improved quality?
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 7 Discussion
The Role of Patients in Your Course Project Nursing Issue
CO1 Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)
CO3 Examine culture of safety principles that improve patient outcomes based on current evidence. (POs 7 and 8)
Considering the nursing issue for your Course Project, address the following:
Provide a brief summary of your Course Project for the class NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments.
What patient data is collected? What data do you want collected?
How will this actual and desired data help you to continue to improve quality on this nursing issue?
NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
Week 8 Discussion
Reflection on AACN BSN Essential II
CO1 Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team. (POs 2 and 7)
CO2 Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing. (POs 2 and 8)
Quality is an overriding principle in the AACN BSN Essentials document. Essential II specifically describes the role of the baccalaureate nurse in quality improvement. As you complete this course, reflect on how you will implement lessons learned about quality improvement into your future nursing practice. Provide details about what you plan to do to improve quality in your current or ideal future professional nursing position. NR392 Quality Improvement in Nursing Essay Assignments Think big!