Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers
Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers Post 1
Qualitative and quantitative methods are used together at times for nursing research. Mixed method is another way of when combining both qualitative and quantitative. “ Mixed methods research methodologies are increasingly applied in nursing research to strengthen the depth and breadth of understanding of nursing phenomena” (Doorenbos, A. Z. 2014). There are advantages and disadvantages to using both for research. The advantages of using both are 1. The situation when the concept is new and not well understood, there is a need for qualitative exploration before quantitative methods can be used. 2. The situation when findings from one approach can be better understood with a second source of data. 3. The situation is when neither a qualitative nor a quantitative approach, by itself, is adequate to understanding the concept being studied. 4. The situation is when the quantitative results are difficult to interpret, and qualitative data can assist with understanding the results (Creswell JW, Plano Clark VL. 2007). Using both can also help to lower the personal biases of the researcher when conducting the study. Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers.
Disadvantages of using mixed method research can take up a lot of time gathering information for both studies. To conduct a study it would most likely have to have different teams gathering information for both qualitative and quantitative which takes training. Both methods would require experts in gathering the information for both studies. Nursing researchers also may “face the possibility of inconsistency in research findings arising from the objectivity of quantitative methods and the subjectivity of qualitative methods. In these cases, additional data collection may be required” (Doorenbos, A. Z. 2014). Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers.
Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers Post 2
Mixed research method relies on both quantitative and qualitative research designs to increase the depth and breadth of understanding nursing issues. As such, the researcher will collect and analyze data and integrate findings while using quantitative and qualitative approaches to draw inferences from one study or inquiry. Mixed method (also called triangulation) is preferred in most cases because it reduces biases that come with using one method. Triangulation is common among anthropologists and sociologists and reduces biases by relying on one method to plan the results of the next method. As such, researchers may use explanatory design, embedded design, and exploratory design. Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers.
In nursing, quantitative facts support qualitative aspects by pointing out representative as well as outlying figures or cases. Qualitative data may help in identifying quantitative components and in so doing understand trends or develop the conceptual model (Doorenbos, 2014). Despite this, quantitative data provides baseline data to aid in participant selection in interview or questionnaire arrangement. Nevertheless, qualitative data help researchers understand some of the barriers and facilitators that will impede or facilitate participant retention or recruitment. Further, qualitative data (during data analysis) can aid in describing, clarifying, interpreting, and validating quantitative results. Mixed research methods in nursing essay assignment papers.