Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example
example 1
From a very young age, I have always had the goal of attending a graduate program. While my major changed from Occupational Therapy to Psychology, my main goal has always been to obtain a graduate degree so that I can make a difference in the world, or at least just within my small hometown. My initial attraction to Walden University is the Mission statement and goal to implement social change in the world through both the university and its students. It is inspiring to be a part of something that others have the same values as myself and I can receive the assistance that I need in order to effectively implement social change. I really took away inspiration from viewing the meet the faculty videos and one thing that stood out to me was during Dr. Mona Hanania’s introduction; she stated that she thinks “…that we all go into this field for one fundamental reason, and simply put, it is to help others”Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example. This is and has been my main goal from a very young age. I grew up as the eldest and only girl in my family with the youngest sibling being born with down syndrome. I initially was very confused, scared, and upset that he was born with special needs but through growing with him and going with him to his therapies and classes, I was inspired and I knew that I wanted to make a change and be able to help others.
I currently work as a director at a company that provides services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and am often times put into situations in which I have to advocate for those who cannot do so for themselves. I want to be able to make a difference within my community and the lives of others. While I am able to do so at my current job, obtaining a graduate degree would allow me to expand my horizons and do more for my community. I have the hopes to eventually obtain my PsyD. in Clinical Psychology so that I am able to provide therapy and assist others with the development of treatment plans. Furthermore, I would like to improve upon the crisis services and other mental health services within my community. The vision statement: “Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good” (Walden University, n.d.), means a lot to me and my own personal goals in life. My ultimate goal through higher education is to enact social change in order to see improvement within the world around me and for future generations Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example. Through my personal experience within the workplace and education, there is a strong negative stigma about mental health and I have witnessed clients and others within my community suffer due to a lack in understanding of their situation and I want to be able to make a difference for everyone.
While I am eager to begin my educational journey and meet my long-time goals, I do have some reservations about beginning my MS of Applied Psychology program. I feel that my main hesitation would be my time management skills. Due to my hectic work schedule, I have put my education on the back-burner at times and I have definitely regretted it in the past. I am hoping to move forward from this and to manage my time wisely so that I am able to complete my degree and continue further with my education. I found the time management lesson from Walden to be very informative and enjoyed the additional reading provided below, specifically the articles relating to management of time and how to stay motivated. I feel that I often times begin a course feeling motivated and I develop a plan and write everything out and make lists but I become unmotivated and struggle to stay on task. I begin to feel overwhelmed and I don’t know where to start or what to do if I am at risk of getting behind on something Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
The article 6 Tips for Successfully Managing Your Time states that it can be beneficial to set realistic goals when beginning a project for class; I feel that I often get overwhelmed when beginning a paper or project which causes me to procrastinate and complete it all last minute (The Savvy Student, n.d.-a). If I am able to split a project up into pieces and work on it at a time, I will be able to attain my goals easier and with less stress. Furthermore, I need to cut back on my distractions. The fourth tip discusses how I can do this by setting up a quiet space and putting away any potential distractions such as the phone. I can then, in turn, reward myself afterwards by allocating time on my phone for after studying (The Savvy Student, n.d.-a). As for motivation, I often go in positively and am motivated but it often wears away as time goes on, the article 5 Tips for Getting (and Staying) Motivated, suggests tracking progress, being engaged with coursework, and making connections. I find that more often than not, if I am able to connect something that I am learning about to my life or work, I become excited and want to know more, the article suggests that connecting your coursework to the real world can make the student more motivated to complete the coursework instead of viewing it as “busy work” (The Savvy Student, n.d.-a). I feel that if I am able to follow these aforementioned suggestions, my overall educational goals will be a lot more attainable and more enjoyable along the way Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
Walden University (Producer). (2020b). Meet the Faculty [Video File]
Walden University. (n.d.-a). Social Change. Retrieved from https://www.waldenu.edu/why-walden/social-change
Waldenacademicskills. (2020, October 2). 6 tips for successfully managing your time. The Savvy Student. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from https://waldenacademicskills.wordpress.com/2020/10/02/6-tips-for-successfully-managing-your-time/.
Waldenacademicskills. (2021, January 28). 5 tips for getting (and staying) motivated. The Savvy Student. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from https://waldenacademicskills.wordpress.com/2018/04/19/tips-for-getting-and-staying-motivated/.Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example
example 2
My decision to obtain my education through Walden University was a long, arduous process. When I began entertaining the possibility of graduate programs, I weighed my options carefully with close attention paid to my two largest obstacles, time and money. While attending a conventional program might have ended up costing me less money in the long run, living in a small town in central Ohio would have meant a long commute to school, meaning more time needed on campus and less time that I could devote to my family, home and job. I chose to seek an online education instead because of my time limitations. I specifically chose Walden because of the enthusiasm of the staff, their willingness to answer any and all questions asked, and especially due to the fact that a former professor and woman I consider my educational mentor is an alumnus of this school Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
In reading over this University’s Mission and Vision statements and commitment to positive social change, I can’t help but feel more positive and more excited about my choice of obtaining my education through this university. The Vision Statement states that the vision of this university is to equip students to apply knowledge to improve societal challenges for the greater good, which is, indeed, my own vision for myself (Laurete Education, 2012c). It is my hope that, through my research, our society can gain a better understanding of itself and perhaps, some ideas of how to help improve itself. It is also my hope to pass on my passion for learning and for understanding why we humans do the things we do to others through teaching. The mission of this University contained within the Mission Statement repeats those core values to effect positive social change, a mission I share. The “Social Change” page also mirrors this thought and it excites me to know that I am a part of a University with such a strong commitment to positive social change, one that shares my deepest core beliefs and values (Walden University, n.d-p). Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example
Within the goals list of the Mission, Vision and Goals Statement (Walden University, 2013), I was pleased to see that this University appreciates the professional and life skills of its students. I was also very pleased to see this University’s encouragement of critical thinking and research. In my opinion, one of the largest challenges facing our society today is the seeming loss of critical thinking skills. I grew up in an era without computers. In my academic career, I have become increasingly alarmed at the apparent lack of communication skills of the younger generations. It is almost as though a lot of these younger people who grew up with computers allow the computer to do their thinking for them. I feel that strong skepticism is a quality that should be taught to people from a very early age. We should all know how to question ourselves, the information that we receive, and the world around us critically, always searching for truth among the spin of the internet and the information that can be obtained on it.
Walden University. (n.d.-p). Social change. Retrieved January 17, 2014, from http://www.waldenu.edu/about/social-change
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012c). Welcome to Walden [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu
Walden University. (2013). Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and values. In 2013–2014 Walden University student handbook Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example. Retrieved from http://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?catoid=90&navoid=20820
Discussion: Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies
As you begin your studies at Walden, you have probably thought about what you hope to gain from the Program Progress Guide (PPG) you will complete. What are your hopes and aspirations as an emerging professional beginning graduate-level study? Apart from a degree in psychology, also think about what you will gain from engaging with the scholarly community at Walden University. Your Program Progress Guide (PPG) can help you anticipate the topics you will learn about and perhaps the kinds of skills you will master as you complete your graduate degree.
This week, you will discuss potential challenges you and your classmates foresee in the coming weeks. Together, you can share strategies that could help you overcome these challenges, as a group and individually.
This dialogue through the Discussion Board is designed to connect you with your new colleagues so that you can develop community and engage with each other in a supportive manner as you begin the educational journey together.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Locate and download your Program Progress Guide (PPG) from your DegreeWorks. Note: if you have difficulty, please contact your academic advisor to help you.
- Review Walden’s mission and vision statements and Walden’s goals and values in this week’s Learning Resources.
- Explore the web page “Social Change,” located in this week’s Learning Resources.
- Reflect on what you hope to achieve as a graduate student personally, professionally, and within the larger community.
- Consider factors that could pose a challenge to the successful completion of your chosen degree Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
- Reflect on your values, ideals, and goals in relation to what you have learned about Walden.
- Think about how you will incorporate a commitment to social change, particularly as it relates to the area(s) of interest represented by your program/specialization, into your professional, personal, and academic goals.
- Review the “Meet the Faculty” media program found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the inspiring messages from the faculty.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a reflection of something that inspired you from the faculty video messages. Describe how your expectations for your program are reflected in Walden’s mission, vision, and values. Share any challenges that you may face in completing your degree and provide at least one strategy to help overcome these challenges. Then explain why you chose this particular field of study at Walden and how you intend to use your degree.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings and note the similarities and differences compared to what you shared.
By Day 5
Respond to two of your colleagues and continue the Discussion through Day 7 by affirming colleagues’ concerns or hopes and suggesting another strategy you find useful. Suggest at least one resource at Walden that they might also find helpful Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
example 3
After I had decided to pursue a career in Psychology during my time as an undergraduate student, I knew that I was going to be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor, just in a different sense. Continuing my education after receiving my bachelor’s degree was always in my plan, however by the time I was supposed to be applying to graduate schools I wasn’t sure what I was looking for when it came to a good graduate program. I knew I would still want to have a heavy focus on my dance career and spending a lot of money to live in a large city wasn’t in the cards for me as a broke college student, so I decided to focus on finding a program that was online. I found Walden University through a friend of mine who had encouraged me to look through the graduate programs they offered, and I knew that Walden was a good fit for me. The accredited programs, the qualified and excited staff and faculty were only some of the reasons I felt that Walden would be a good way for me to continue my education Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
Walden’s commitment to its Vision and Mission Statements as well as to Positive Social Change is a refreshing viewpoint on the way education can be used to change and improve society. Walden prides itself in its students, faculty, and staff who are dedicated to improving the growth and change in society. Walden wants to bring positive social change to society to support the improvements of our society (Walden, 2021). At Walden, I hope to obtain the ability to create a more welcoming and open society for everyone from all backgrounds and walks of life. I hope to be able to believe that the work I am doing as a professional means something while being able to see the change that I am trying to accomplish.
The staff and faculty at Walden are enthusiastic and want to support me in my journey at Walden. This can help with the challenges of asking for help. In higher education courses, I feel like sometimes it can be rather intimidating to ask questions or ask professors for help because students don’t want to be seen as incompetent or not good enough. Being able to overcome those stigmas will actually help me to achieve much more, not only while in school but in the workplace as well. Faculty and staff at Walden want their students to succeed and will do anything they can to help (Walden, 2020). This mirrors Walden’s vision of social change by helping students and staff build a professional community that allows critical thinking and the ability to grow professionally (Walden, n.d.). Through Walden, I hope to be able to share my education and research with my peers, both in the workplace and with society. Encouraging critical thinking and discovery will bring the ability to question society as it is now, and only with education and critical thinking can help society unify and grow Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example.
Walden University. (2021, September). Walden’s vision, mission, and goals. 2021-2022 Walden University Student Handbook. https://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?catoid=182&navoid=66691
Walden University. (n.d.). Social Change. Walden University. https://www.waldenu.edu/why-walden/social-change
Walden University. (2020). Meet Your Faculty. [Video]. Walden University. https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/PSYC/6002/01/index.html Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Essay example