DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2

DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2

Topic 1 DQ 2
Assessment Description

The rigor of a DNP program requires that each learner maintain personally developed strategies that can be used to minimize stress in order to maintain a healthy balance. One important area to consider is self-care. Discuss ways in which you will recognize signs of imbalance or stress as a DNP learner DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2. Explain what type of self-care routines or activities you can use in these instances to help you better achieve balance. (This response does not require research support.)


In response to your peers, discuss what strategies they are using that could work for you or provide suggestions to peers for self-care.

DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2 Sample discussion Post

My sense of recognizing stress is quite simple, I tend to close myself off from others and want to procrastinate everything I must do till the very last second. I have noticed that it is happening already with this program. I feel like I am not ready for this and may have been out of the education realm for too long. I find myself feeling overwhelmed and disappointed all at once DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2. I am even late with this post as I was actually thinking of withdrawing and starting later in the year.  I want to be successful but sometimes I feel that I sometimes put obstacles purposely in my way to sabotage my success. So, this discussion was quite useful in helping me to find ways to recognize, assess and help to reduce stressors and maintain a balance that is right for me. Everyone’s discussion has given me the strength and courage to continue on in this program and have given me a great perspective on how to make sure to have time for myself and how to reach that goal. So thank you to all.

In looking at selfcare articles the best thing for being sure to take care of yourself is to get a good night’s sleep, set up routine for good time management, meditation, not being afraid to ask for help and take a break when you need to regroup (Steven Tippens, 2019). If you use the

right strategies to self-care, it will help you survive and gain success in the success of such a vigorous program.

Your also need to know your limits and schedule selfcareactivity on your calendar whether it be a walk, coffee at Starbucks or a trip to the zoo. You also must set goals that are reachable and mark them off when you achieve them.  But I feel that most important teaching I found about selfcare in such a high demand program is that even though things are not always perfect or easy that you are not alone on this journey there are others that are probably feeling the same as you so lean on them as well for guidance and support (Diaz & Lawrence, 2019).


Diaz, K., & Lawrence, C. (2019, October). The importance of self-care in

graduate school. Retrieved from The Advocate:

Steven Tippens, P. (2019, March 22). A Doctoral Student’s Guide to

Self-Care. Retrieved from Medium:


sample response

Thank you for posting. Some of the feelings you have, I have as well. Especially about feeling as though not ready and wanting to postpone and blocking my ability to succeed. You achieved a goal-You got your discussion posted and it is really meaningful. I agree, procrastination does increase stress, in my case.

DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2 I too had thoughts of withdrawing because I was ready all the information, some areas for example the DC and LDP I could not gain access over the weekend, etc. Fortunately, this morning I see that

1.      I did read the instructions for our first discussion post correctly

2.      DC Network is available and I’m able to log in and peruse the site and locate the necessary forms that are due tonight.

I took these hiccups personally and thought maybe I’m not worthy to be in such a program. However, reading the discussion postings from different students and the literature on what it takes to be a doctoral student has been thought provoking, and self-reflection. This is what I want to do, it will not be easy, but with management, taking stress relief measures, being active, and eating well balanced diet, not procrastinating, I can do this.

“We need to understand that making mistakes is part of being human, not because we are inadequate. (Hofmeyer & Kennedy, 2020 )

Keep the faith,


Hofmeyer, A., Taylor, R., & Kennedy, K. (2020). Knowledge for nurses to better care for themselves so they can better care for others during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. Nurse Education Today, 94. DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2

DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2 sample post 2

It is important to each and everyone of us to make sure that we give ourselves plenty of time to work on our schedule to prioritize which will help us in our school, work and family life. Going back to school while working full time is stressful and exciting at the same time. A lot of anxiety goes on my mind and thinking if I can do it this time. Emotional well- being during this time is important that we should all consider while in school and outside life.


Stress is a state of mental or emotional pressure resulting from a difficult situation or issue that can be resolved when identified. Many of the stressors were inherent from our profession since we work long hours, dealing with loss, emotional suffering, caring for dying patients and providing support to families and patients. There are several ways to improve or relieve stress and can be managed by a person. Effective techniques for stress management varies and one is self-care. Self-care includes mindfulness practices, good nutrition eating habits, physical good health with exercise DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2.

As a DNP learner I realized that I should self- improve and should know how to manage my stress and make sure to remind myself that I need self- care too DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2. while reading some articles regarding stress I was able to come up tips to guide me in balancing my studies, work and being a mother. Techniques include manage my time wisely, setting limits for my school work, schedule for studying, small breaks when needed. Other technique is make sure I am organized in taking notes, keeping track of my schedules, assignments and other important task. Create a good study environment, making sure that your study area is quiet, peaceful and soothing to you because it will reduce some of the stress and will help you focus in learning. Making sure that you get enough sleep and well rested is important. Sleep deprivation can add to your stress and won’t help you in learning DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2. Balancing with school, work and life should include taking care of your self. Now that I am back in school I will make time to enjoy spending time with my friends whenever I can, dine out with family from time to time, spa which includes manicure and pedicure that will make me feel good inside and out. These relaxation techniques are part of my daily routine that can help my overall wellness. Last thing is going to church every Sunday and always praying to God and asking for guidance.


Alshutwi S, Alkhanfari H, Sweedan N. The influence of time management skills on stress and academic performance level among nursing studentsJ Nurs Educ Prac. 2020;10(1):96-100. doi:10.5430/jnep.v10n1p96

Botha E., Gwin T., Purpora C. The effectiveness of mindfulness based programs in reducing stress experienced by nurses in adult hospital settings: a systematic review of quantitative evidence protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports . 2015;13(10):21–29. doi: 10.11124/jbisrir-2015-2380. – DOI – PubMed

Greeson J. M., Zarrin H., Smoski M. J., et al. Mindfulness meditation targets transdiagnostic symptoms implicated in stress-related disorders: understanding relationships between changes in mindfulness, sleep quality, and physical symptoms. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM . 2018;2018:10. doi: 10.1155/2018/4505191.4505191 – DOI – PMC – PubMed


DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2 sample response

I am glad that you have included manicures and pedicures as your self-care. I felt relaxed just thinking about it! I agree that having a schedule for school work is so important, as well as scheduling breaks. It has taken me a long time to try to reprogram my thinking. Efficiency can come from rest! I am working on a designated work area, I think that is a wonderful idea. I currently work in my kitchen, which is the gathering area for my teenagers. While I love to see them, it is also very distracting! The spiritual dimension is a vital part of stress reduction, I am glad you are prioritizing it! DNP-801A Topic 1 DQ 2


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