Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development

Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development

Consider the role each process—cognitive, physical, and social-emotional—plays on the development of an individual. The cognitive developmental process involves the ability to think, remember, reason, problem-solve, and communicate. The physical developmental process entails not only changes in height and weight, but also fine and gross muscle control, balance, strength, reproductive ability, and appearance. Finally, the social-emotional developmental process involves beliefs about oneself in relation to others, including self-identity, self-concept, morality, and relationships Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development.


Cognitive, physical, and social-emotional developmental processes influence and interact with one another. For example, a child’s ability to consider another person’s perspective will, in part, determine the quality of friendships and how long they are maintained. An adult who is physically mature has the cognitive capacity to weigh the pros and cons of becoming sexually active. Keep in mind that the relative importance of cognitive, physical, and social-emotional developmental processes may vary depending upon the age of the individual (e.g., infant, adolescent, young adult, older adult) and any physical or developmental challenges that may arise.

For this Discussion, you will examine cognitive, physical, and social-emotional processes at a specific period of a character’s life.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Select a fictional human character (i.e., cartoon character, film/TV character, virtual character) and consider an important event or period of time in the life of the character and the developmental processes during this event/period of time.
  • Select two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) to describe Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the fictional human character (i.e., cartoon character, film/TV character, virtual character) and the event/period of time you selected. Describe two of the three developmental processes—cognitive, physical, and social-emotional—and explain whether they were affected and/or changed in relation to the event/period of time. Be specific in your post and provide examples. Use your Learning Resources to support your post. Use proper APA format and citations to support your explanation.

Rachel Green (one of six friends from the TV show Friends) grew up with a lot of privilege and popularity in New York. She had many friends and was very attractive. Right before her wedding to an orthodontist that made good money and was Rachel’s safest bet to stay in a life of privilege, Rachel climbed through a bathroom window and ran away. She hadn’t wanted to settle for the life she would live with her fiancé. Rachel decides to completely start over with her life, she gets a real job as a waitress and moves in with her friend from high school. She decides that she wants to start looking for a career in the fashion industry. This was a huge turning point for Rachel, because she had decided that she wanted to make her own way in life and not rely on her parents or husband to be happy.

Cognitive development, according to scholar Jean Piaget, happens within four stages (Harris, 2005). The sensorimotor stage from 0-2 years of age develops cognitive abilities through infant’s reflexes. The preoperational period occurs throughout the ages of 2-7 years sees large developments in language, comprehension, and memory skills. The third stage is concrete operational period and occurs during the ages of 7-11 where these children have developed logic when problem solving and their metacognition skills improve. The final stage, according to Piaget is the formal operations period which lasts from 11-15 years of age where adolescents can now start logically reasoning and debating, reflect on their own thoughts, and think of the future (Harris, 2005).

Rachel is well past the age of 15 when she makes her startling decision to restart her life. According to Piaget, she would have already completed most of her cognitive development since she is over the age of 15 (Harris, 2005). However, researchers have extended onto Piaget’s theory with ideas that describe the cognitive advancements that occur in adulthood. Post-formal reasoning refers to the type of reasoning that occurs within adults, who have different experiences and patterns of behavior than adolescents (Harris, 2005). While Rachel wouldn’t have experienced any drastic changes with her cognitive development, she would have expanded her intelligence into the work force, where she learns a lot about her character and what she truly wants out of life Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development.

Social development occurs with socialization and establishes an individual’s understanding of other people (Susskind, 2005). There are a lot of factors that determine and individual’s level of socialization and how much it affects them. Parenting styles, gender, siblings, peer and friendships, socioeconomic status, as well as romantic relationships have a huge impact on the social development (Susskind, 2005).

For Rachel Green, the largest psychological development process happens in this area. She goes from an individual who heavily relied on other people financially to supporting herself with her own job and moving in with a roommate. She also makes new friends and reconnects with old ones she had in high school. The relationships she has with her parents is loving, yet slightly strained after their divorce in the earlier seasons of the show. Rachel goes from having many surface-level friends to only a few very close and intimate friendships, which tends to happen in adulthood (Susskind, 2005). Her and her sisters remain fairly close and seem to have regular contact with each other. A major relationship that affects Rachel is the one she has with Ross Gellar, her roommate’s older brother who has had a crush on Rachel since high school. Their on and off relationship throughout the seasons turns Rachel into someone who knows what she wants out of her life, and decides to focus on her career before getting married.


Harris, Y. R. (2005). Cognitive development. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human development (Vol. 1, pp. 276-280). SAGE Publications, Inc.  https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781412952484.n138

Susskind, J. (2005). Social development. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human development (Vol. 1, pp. 1192-1198). SAGE Publications, Inc. https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781412952484.n574 Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development

By Day 5

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and describe the developmental process that was not included in your colleagues’ posts. Explain whether that process was affected in relation to the event/period of time. Use your Learning Resources to support your response.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting and respond to any questions. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.



I enjoyed your post, Friends is one of my favorite TV show, in fact, I find Rachel to be the most loyal and trendy character in the show. You did a good job explaining her cognitive and social development process.

In this week’s learning resources, physical development and growth was identified as an important part of the psychological development process. According to Bailey (2005), “the general pattern of physical growth is similar for all individuals”, (para. 1). However, differences are evident in the rate and time of development reached. Sequential age gives a noticeable perspective for observing and recording development. While biology is important in the growth process, it follows its own path, (Bailey, 2005).

Bailey (2005) asserts that growth takes place in stages over a life span. This is categorized within two stages, the prenatal growth and the postnatal growth. Where the prenatal stage is identified from the ovum period to fetus period and the postnatal growth stage is identified from infancy to Senescene. While these two stages of growth are expected to follow natural progression, physical growth is complex and impacted by other factors such as genetics, hormone and environment, (Bailey, 2005).

According to your post, Rachel experienced her life changing event in her early adult life, although you did not mention her physical growth and development, my familiarity with the character has allowed me to safely say  that this event did not affect her physical growth and development Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development.


Bailey, R. (2005). Physical development and growth. In Neil J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development (pp.1001-1007).

sample 2

For this week discussion I have chosen Isabella (Bella) from the movie Twilight. At the age of 17 years old Bella mother and father separated and Bella moved from Phoenix back to Forks, Washington with her father. While adapting to her new environment, Bella reunites with an old childhood friend Jacob and meets new friends at school. While attending school Bella meets an exquisitely handsome boy at school name Edward for whom she feels an overwhelming attraction and who she comes to realize is a vampire. She started dating Edward and begged him to turn her into a vampire also. Edward disagreed with Bella wish to turn her into a vampire but decides to marry Bella. They got marry and soon after Bella found out she was pregnant. Directly after she has the baby, Edward decided to turn her into a vampire Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development.



Three key developmental processes are cognitive development, physical development, and social-emotional development. Each of the 3 processes has stages which are:

  1. development that occurs from infancy through childhood
  2. development that occurs during adolescence
  3. development that occurs in adulthood

The two developmental processes and stages in which I chose to associate with Bella are physical development and social-emotional development during her late adolescence stage. The late adolescence stage occurs during the ages of 16 to 18. During this time the young person achieves full adult appearance and anticipates assumption of adult roles (Berk, 2018). Bella is at a stage where she can make conscious decisions about her life and who she wants to be with. During this time Bella is fully developed and able to reproduce. Due to her being pregnant, Bella had to experience and adjust to bodily changes, hormonal changes, and mental changes. These changes have a direct impact on Bella’s social-emotional development. Social emotional development represents a specific domain of child development. It is a gradual, integrative process through which children acquire the capacity to understand, experience, express, and manage emotions and to develop meaningful relations with others (Cohen, Onunaku, Clothier, & Poppe, 2005).



Berk, L. (2018). Development Through the Lifespan

Cohen, J., Onunaku, N., Clothier, S., & Poppe, J. (2005). Helping young children succeed: Strategies to promote early childhood social and emotional development Discussion 1: How Processes Affect Your Development.

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